Best local food in Dubai


When exploring Dubai's culinary scene, it's essential to delve into its rich tapestry of local flavors. The city, known for its glitz and glamour, also boasts a vibrant street food culture and traditional Emirati dishes. Here's a guide to some of the best local food in Dubai

1. Shawarma:

A Dubai favorite, shawarma is a must-try street food. Thinly sliced marinated meat, usually lamb or chicken, is grilled to perfection and served in a warm pita bread with fresh vegetables and a choice of sauces. Al Mallah and Automatic are renowned for their delectable shawarmas.

2. Falafel:

Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, falafels are deep-fried balls made from ground chickpeas or fava beans. They are often served in pita bread with tahini sauce, vegetables, and pickles. Ravi Restaurant is a local gem where you can savor authentic falafels.

3. Al Harees:

This traditional Emirati dish is a delicacy, especially during Ramadan. Al harees is a slow-cooked porridge made from ground wheat and meat, usually chicken or lamb. It's a hearty and flavorful dish that offers a taste of local culture.

4. Mandi:

Mandi is a fragrant and flavorful rice dish cooked with tender pieces of meat, often goat or lamb, and a blend of aromatic spices. It's slow-cooked to perfection, giving it a unique taste. Hadramout Restaurant is a top spot for experiencing the best mandi in Dubai.

5. Al Machboos:

Similar to biryani, al machboos is a spiced rice dish cooked with either chicken, fish, or shrimp. It's known for its bold flavors and is often garnished with fried onions and raisins. Logma is a popular place to enjoy this Emirati specialty.

6. Luqaimat:

For those with a sweet tooth, luqaimat is a must-try dessert. These golden, bite-sized dumplings are deep-fried and then drizzled with date syrup or honey, creating a delightful combination of sweet and savory. You can find luqaimat at various local sweet shops and food festivals.

7. Arabic Coffee and Dates:

Emirati hospitality often begins with a cup of Arabic coffee (gahwa) and dates. The coffee is lightly spiced with cardamom and served in small cups, accompanied by fresh dates. It's a warm and welcoming gesture that reflects the region's traditions.

8. Harees Al Sayad:

This dish is a seafood lover's delight. Harees al sayad features fish and wheat, slow-cooked to a creamy consistency. It's a unique Emirati dish that showcases the coastal influence on Dubai's cuisine.

9. Camel Meat:

For a truly local experience, consider trying camel meat. It's lean, tender, and packed with flavor. While not as commonly found as other meats, you can occasionally find camel dishes at specialized restaurants.

10. Manakish:

Although originally from Lebanon, manakish has become a popular snack in Dubai. It's a flatbread topped with a variety of ingredients, such as za'atar (a spice blend), cheese, or minced meat. These are available at bakeries and street food stalls.

Exploring the local food scene in Dubai is not only a culinary adventure but also an opportunity to connect with the rich culture and traditions of the Emirates. From aromatic spices to savory street food, Dubai offers a diverse range of local delicacies that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you with unforgettable dining experiences.
